Here at Grace we take our Inspired Community Outreach mission very seriously. The more participation we have in these ministries, the greater the outreach. Newcomers/participants are always welcome.
Attention All Men!
The men's group meets every Thursday at 6 PM. in room A.
Heading 5
Naomi's Friends
A support group for widows meets at 9:00 a.m. on the first Saturday of every month @ Four Star Family Restaurant
1270 May Rd
Peru, Il. 61354
Prayer Shawl Ministry
A team of dedicated creative women meets regularly to create prayer shawls to be taken to shut-ins and other hurting people in our community. Prayers are said for the recipients of each shawl and the ladies enjoy fellowship with one another, as well. Every Wed @ 6 PM at Karen Swains Home.
Missions Team
We have an active missions team that visits sick and shut-ins. They also educate our church regarding Rainbow Covenant missions and encourage our donations to those worthy charities.
For a full list of click on the picture below.
YELLOW BAND Children and Youth
INDIGO BAND Missionary Personnel
BURGUNDY BAND International Advance Projects
RED BAND Domestic/USA Advance Projects
ORANGE BAND *United Methodist Committee On Relief-Administered Projects
GREEN BAND Northern Illinois Conference (Regional) Projects
BLUE BAND District (Regional) Projects
WHITE BAND Sister-Church Relationships
PURPLE BAND Special Sunday Offerings and Local Benevolences
*The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization dedicated to alleviating human suffering around the globe. UMCOR’s work includes programs and projects in disaster response, health, sustainable agriculture, food security, relief supplies, and more.